Confront - Confronter (The 1858th Most Common French Word)

In French, the word for Confront is Confronter. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1858th most common word in French. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about law. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: confront

fr French: confronter


en fr
How to recognize and confront one's own unconscious biases. Comment reconnaître et confronter ses propres préjugés inconscients.
A soldier often has to confront danger. Un soldat doit souvent confronter le danger.
He leaves the page to confront with the space. Il quitte la page pour se confronter à l'espace.
Public recognition is still not there and the authors have to confront with a market making it difficult for marginal and transgressed films to obtain the means of their ambitions. La reconnaissance publique n'est pas encore au rendez-vous et les auteurs doivent se confronter à un marché qui permet difficilement à des films marginaux et transgressifs d'obtenir les moyens de leurs ambitions.
Brief description The purpose of the MMEFi project is to make students confront with a complex problem proposed by a company or a researcher. Description Le projet MMEFi est un travail qui permet aux élèves de se confronter à un problème complexe posé par une entreprise ou un chercheur.
Did you give them the opportunity to confront with new areas Leur avez-vous donné l'opportunité de se confronter à de nouvelles choses
Being a subject means confronting oneself with elementary self-expenditure. Être sujet veut dire se confronter à une auto-dépense élémentaire.
They can then cross-examine their victims and confront them face to face. De ce fait, il lui est loisible de contre-interroger ses victimes et de les confronter dans un face à face.

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Confront - Confronter (The 1858th Most Common French Word)
She chose to confront the assumptions and affirm my existence. Elle a choisi de confronter les suppositions et d'affirmer mon existence.
Let's move with bus, with trains, to realize how our neighbor is, to mirror ourselves and confront ourselves with him, to discover the reality and to come down from that olympus of selfishness that distinguishes us Déplaçons-nous avec le bus, avec le bus, avec les trains, pour comprendre ce que notre voisin est, pour nous refléter et nous confronter avec lui, pour comprendre la réalité et pour descendre de cet olympus d'égoïsme qui nous distingue
He's now going to confront us with our own hypocrisies. Il va nous confronter à nos hypocrisies.
Ma'am, you need to confront him now. Madame, vous devez le confronter.
They had to be confronted with it slowly. Il fallait les y confronter lentement.
Confronting you in your living room Was as far as my plan went. Vous confronter dans votre salon était le plan.
Our Government is determined to confront the terrorist threat at home. Notre gouvernement est déterminé à confronter la menace terroriste.
The aim of this exhibition is to confront and engage. Cette exposition veut confronter et engager.
This review allows us to collectively confront these expectations with reality. Cet examen est l'occasion pour nous de confronter ensemble ces attentes avec la réalité.
What's more, it energizes you to confront that injustice. De plus, cela vous motive à confronter cette injustice.
Can I confront my coworker who keeps stepping on my toes Puis-je confronter mon collègue qui marche sur mes plates-bandes
Photography can also compel us to confront issues that are potentially distressing and controversial. La photographie peut aussi nous forcer à nous confronter à des problématiques affligeantes et controversées.
The confronting, not so much. Mais confronter, pas tant que ça.

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Confront - Confronter (The 1858th Most Common French Word)

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