Concrete - Concret (The 1660th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Concrete is Concret. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes, materials & quality. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1660th most common word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
Could you be more concrete | Ai putea fi mai concret |
Express your idea concretely. | Exprimați-vă ideea în mod concret. |
Let's consider a concrete example. | Să luăm în considerare un exemplu concret. |
Your explanation lacks concreteness. | Ton explication manque de concret. |
What we don't have is a concrete example. | Ce dont nous ne disposons pas, c'est d'un exemple concret. |
SEEREN is a concrete example of such support. | Le projet SEEREN est un exemple concret du soutien de l'UE. |
But nothing new, nothing concrete. | Mais rien de neuf, rien de concret. |
Kontakte is therefore a synthesis of abstract and concrete. | Kontakte est donc une synthèse de l'abstrait et du concret. |
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The delegation reiterated that agreement could be reached by more concrete discussions based on a concrete text. | La délégation a réaffirmé qu'un accord pouvait être trouvé par le biais de débats plus concrets sur un texte concret. |
The sculpture becomes an assemblage of concrete materials arranged in a concrete space. | La sculpture devient un assemblage de matériaux concrets disposés dans un espace concret. |
From concrete visible chimeras mired down here in the immemorial struggle between civilization and bestiality. | Du visible concret surgissent les chimères, empêtrées ici dans la lutte immémoriale entre bestialité et civilisation. |
We now need to quickly construct something concrete. | Il faut désormais, et rapidement, construire du concret. |
He said that resources should be geared towards a concrete objective. | Les ressources devraient être orientées vers un objectif concret. |
I would like to give a concrete example. | J'aimerais mentionner un cas concret. |
Stay a little longer to hear more of my concrete poetry. | Reste pour écouter un poème concret. |
A concrete example of the kind of European competition referred to. | Exemple concret du type de compétition européenne visée. |
There are no concrete plans for financing them at all. | Il est totalement fait abstraction de financement concret. |
So there has been nothing concrete since Luxembourg. | Rien de concret depuis Luxembourg donc. |
A concrete programme is to be decided on there. | Un programme concret doit y être décidé. |
There is sometimes a lack of concrete political dialogue. | Il manque parfois un dialogue politique concret. |
Let's apply the theory to a more concrete example. | Appliquons la théorie à un exemple plus concret. |
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