Comment - Commenter (The 2211th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Comment is Commenter. This word often comes up when talking about communication. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2211th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
I would like to comment on each of them now. | Permettez-moi de commenter chacun d'eux. |
She declined to comment. | Elle a refusé de commenter. |
Therefore, opposition politicians could not comment on his remarks. | Par conséquent, les politiciens de l'opposition ne pouvaient commenter ses propos. |
Publication and comment on environmental laws. | Publication des lois environnementales et possibilité de commenter ces lois. |
VCDS requested CRS comment on the revised procedures. | Le VCEMD a demandé au CS Ex de commenter les nouvelles procédures. |
A lawyer for the two men who were arrested didn't immediately return a call for comment. | Un avocat des deux hommes qui ont été arrêtés n'était pas immédiatement disponible pour commenter la situation. |
Be first to comment!, 1 trackback | Soyez le premier à commenter !, 1 trackback |
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He requested comments on this observation. | Il a invité les participants à commenter cette observation. |
To comment on sessions, please join the irc channels #debconf-davis and #debconf-interschool respectively on. | Pour commenter les sessions, veuillez rejoindre les canaux IRC #debconf-davis et #debconf-interschool tous deux sur. |
A Citigroup spokesman declined to comment. | Le porte-parole de Citigroup ne souhaitait pas commenter cette information. |
Ritchie, Hoops and Fedorcik declined through a spokesman to comment. | Garth Ritchie, Stefan Hoops et Mark Fedorcik ont fait savoir via un porte-parole qu'ils ne souhaitaient pas commenter ces informations. |
An ABF spokesman declined to comment. | Un porte-parole d'ABF a refusé de commenter. |
Its an opportunity for exchange, to comment and to discover Brussels. | Une occasion d'échanger, commenter et expérimenter Bruxelles. |
Perhaps my colleague could make a comment on that. | Mon collègue pourrait peut-être commenter cette question. |
Not to criticise nor to comment on my command. | Non pour critiquer ou commenter mon commandement. |
OK, but at least let him commentate on the game for us. | Laisse-le au moins nous commenter le match. |
His delegation wished to comment on several other elements in the joint paper. | Sa délégation souhaitait commenter plusieurs autres éléments du document conjoint. |
The Norwegian charterer Sea Tank Chartering refused to comment to Libération. | L'affréteur norvégien a refusé de commenter pour Libération. |
It does not seem necessary to me to comment. | Il me semblerait superflu de commenter. |
I want to comment a little further on the proposed amendments. | Je veux commenter un peu plus les amendements proposés. |
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