Clearly, distinctly - Nettement (The 2055th Most Common French Word)
In French, the word for Clearly, distinctly is Nettement. It is the 2055th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B1 word. It can be used as adverb. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
clearly, distinctly
Cathy's voice is clearly distinguishable from those of other girls.
La voix de Cathy se distingue nettement de celles des autres jeunes filles.
I remember very clearly that he threw two pistols into the river.
Je me rappelle très nettement qu'il a jeté deux pistolets dans la rivière.
OZAT socket design is clearly superior to most other available sockets.
Conception de douille Ozat est nettement supérieure à la plupart des autres douilles disponibles.
This statement is clearly intended to give the impression that NAC opposed the bill.
Cet énoncé visait nettement à donner l'impression que le CCASF s'oppose au projet de loi.
Modern bullet clearly revealed near heart.
Balle moderne, nettement distincte près du coeur.
The situation is thus clearly unbalanced in quantitative terms.
On se trouve dès lors dans une situation nettement déséquilibrée sur le plan quantitatif.
In addition, family policy must be clearly distinguished from social policy.
Elle doit également être nettement distinguée de la politique sociale.
Clearly, such an increase is not acceptable.
Une telle hausse serait nettement inacceptable.
The two types of fisheries are clearly not the same.
Ces deux types de pêche sont nettement différents.
The reconstruction work is beginning clearly to take shape.
La reconstruction commence à prendre nettement forme.
They result from the juxtaposition of saturated colours that are clearly different.
L'opposition entre des couleurs saturées nettement différentes.
That way, the text will stand out more clearly.
Le texte ressortira ainsi plus nettement.
In this way, the specific factors for each country are more clearly apparent.
La spécificité de chaque pays apparaît alors plus nettement.
The Division is continuing to clearly outperform the selective market.
La Division devance encore nettement le marché sélectif.
The head and body of the embryo are clearly distinguished from one another.
La tête et le tronc se distinguent nettement.
On the other hand, French sources were clearly predominant.
Par ailleurs, les sources françaises prédominent nettement.
Divine mercy was thus shown to possess a distinctly universal dimension.
La miséricorde divine a été ainsi montré à posséder une dimension nettement universelle.
Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you.
Parle clairement afin que tous puissent t'entendre.
Their job is to read the news clearly and carefully.
Leur travail consiste à lire les nouvelles clairement et attentivement.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Parle lentement et clairement.
Speak up, and speak clearly.
Parle distinctement.
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