Clear, internet - Net (The 1367th Most Common French Word)

In French, the word for Clear, internet is Net. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1367th most common word in French. It can be used as noun, adjective. This word often comes up when talking about house, nature & weather, materials & quality. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: clear, internet

fr French: net


en fr
I have a clear memory of my childhood. Çocukluğumu net hatırlıyorum.
It's never been clearer. Daha net olmamıştı.
The law is very clear. Yasa çok net.
This is a clear allusion to the diamond mark on the user's forehead. Cela est une net allusion à la marque en forme de losange sur le front de l'utilisateur.
The single study that was limited to iron deficient subjects did not show clear benefit of iron supplementation on RLS symptoms. L'unique étude qui était limitée à des sujets présentant un déficit en fer n'avait pas révélé de bénéfice net de la supplémentation en fer sur les symptômes SJSR.
That was the message, loud and clear. Le message était clair et net.
This is a clear advantage for the driver. Un net avantage pour le conducteur.
One of the questions I get most often on Instagram is how I get such clear and bright photos using my phone. L'une des questions que l'on me pose le plus souvent à propos d'Instagram concerne la façon dont j'obtiens des photos si nettes et brillantes en utilisant mon téléphone.

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Clear, internet - Net (The 1367th Most Common French Word)
The command "fbtv -q -mtv" thus gives you crisp clear (well, as good as the received signal anyway) tv on your entire screen. La commande "fbtv -q -mtv" vous donnera alors une image nette (enfin, aussi nette que le signal est bon en tout cas) de la TV sur tout l'écran.
The Committee expressed a clear preference for in-person meetings. Le Comité a manifesté une nette préférence pour les réunions en personne.
Many companies have already expressed a clear preference for GRP products. De nombreuses entreprises ont déjà exprimé une nette préférence pour les produits GRP.
I think that it'll clear up. Je pense que ça ira.
It’s still clear outside. Il fait encore clair dehors.
It is as clear to me as if it were yesterday. C'est aussi clair pour moi que si c'était hier.
It's clear that we can't live without air. Il est clair que nous ne pouvons pas vivre sans air.
I have lots of work to clear up by the weekend. J'ai beaucoup de travail à régler d'ici le week-end.
I want to make it clear that I have not changed my mind. Je tiens à préciser que je n'ai pas changé d'avis.
It is clear that he is guilty. Il est clair qu'il est coupable.
You should keep clear of that side of town. Tu devrais éviter ce côté de la ville.
He made it clear that he didn't like the food. Il a précisé qu'il n'aimait pas la nourriture.
The sky's clear today. Aujourd'hui, le ciel est clair.

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Clear, internet - Net (The 1367th Most Common French Word)

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