Circumstance - Circonstance (The 1054th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Circumstance in French is Circonstance. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1054th most common word in French. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
And everyone decides for themselves how much this circumstance will be determining for him. | Et chacun décide pour lui-même combien cette circonstance sera déterminante pour lui. |
Under no circumstances can we accept checks. | En aucune circonstance nous ne pouvons accepter les chèques. |
For example, a measure may lapse, or satisfy a requirement in a covered agreement, due to the subsequent occurrence of a relevant circumstance. | Par exemple, une mesure peut cesser de produire ses effets, ou satisfaire à une prescription d'un accord visé, parce qu'une circonstance pertinente est survenue postérieurement. |
You keep control of its power in all circumstances. | Vous gardez le contrôle de sa puissance en toute circonstance. |
Under no circumstance may indefinite penalties be imposed on juveniles. | Il ne peut être prononcé à l'encontre d'un mineur, en aucune circonstance, de peines de durée indéterminée. |
Prabhupāda: Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot be disturbed at any circumstances. | Prabhupāda: la conscience de Krishna ne peut pas être troublé par aucune circonstance. |
There may be all sorts of reasons for this factual circumstance. | Cette circonstance factuelle peut avoir de multiples raisons. |
A teaching of President Thomas S. Monson applies to this circumstance. | Un enseignement du président Monson s'applique à cette circonstance. |
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There are no exceptional circumstances justifying his presence in the United Kingdom. | Aucune circonstance exceptionnelle ne justifie son séjour au Royaume-Uni. |
A repetition of the offence is generally deemed an aggravating circumstance. | La récidive est généralement une circonstance aggravante. |
There is no licence for dangerous driving in any circumstances. | Aucune circonstance ne peut justifier la conduite dangereuse. |
Under no circumstances will we fire the first shot. | Dans aucune circonstance nous tirerons les premiers. |
However, such supervision appears to be justified under the circumstances. | La supervision semble tout simplement justifiée en la circonstance. |
Any other circumstance of similar significance to those mentioned above. | Toute autre circonstance analogue aux circonstances susmentionnées. |
That circumstance may also need to be taken into consideration. | Il faudra peut-être tenir compte de cette circonstance. |
You're not to draw your weapon under any circumstances. | Vous ne sortez votre arme sous aucune circonstance. |
I won't give up under any circumstances. | Je ne renoncerai en aucune circonstance. |
There are simply no unique and special circumstances warranting such a departure. | Aucune circonstance particulière ou spéciale ne justifie une telle dérogation. |
Male guests are not allowed in these sharehouses under any circumstances. | Les invités masculins ne sont autorisés sous aucune circonstance. |
There were no extenuating circumstances prescribed that would justify such a recommendation. | Aucune circonstance atténuante ne justifierait une telle recommandation. |
All would be correct according to their own particular circumstance. | Tous seraient corrects selon leur propre circonstance particulière. |
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