Christian - Chrétien (The 1895th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Christian in French is Chrétien. It can be used as adjective. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1895th most commonly used word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
Paul manifested in his life and character pure Christian doctrine before the church. | Paul représenta dans sa personnalité l'enseignement chrétien devant l'église. |
Tom turned Christian. | Tom est devenu chrétien. |
You can't reason with a fundamentalist, regardless of whether they're a Christian or an atheist. | Il est impossible de raisonner un fondamentaliste, qu'il soit chrétien ou athée. |
For example Jose is christian and Anas muslim but still very close friends... | Par exemple Jose est chrétien and Anas musulman mais ce sont quand meme des amis très proches. |
42086802 - Christian, faith, christianity. | 42086802 - Chrétien, foi, christianisme. |
They didn't know anyone who was a Christian. | Ils ne connaissaient personne qui était chrétien. |
Brother, I want to be a Christian. | Frère, je veux être chrétien. |
What we need now is a muscular Christian. | Il nous faut un chrétien musclé. |
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The way a Christian takes the Bible... and he holds it sacred. | Comme un chrétien considère la Bible sacrée. |
He was President of the Christian Democratic People's Party. | Il préside le Parti populaire chrétien démocrate. |
Number two Christian network in the country now, sir. | Le second réseau chrétien du pays. |
Look, I'm a devout Christian. Been one all my life. | Je suis un fervent chrétien depuis toujours. |
Let us see if she has received any Christian education. | Voyons si elle a reçu un enseignement chrétien. |
The great Christian hero will defend Zobeir, the slaver. | Le héros chrétien défendra Zobeir l'esclavagiste. |
Muslims then were said to have attacked a nearby Christian neighbourhood. | Des Musulmans auraient attaqué un quartier chrétien à proximité. |
Any Christian that you catch to be a hostage. | Tout chrétien capturé sera notre otage. |
Any Christian you catch is now a hostage. | Tout chrétien capturé sera notre otage. |
An embrace between Christian and Shiite clerics, broadcast by Al-Manar.Courtesy of The Beirut Report. | Embrassade entre clercs chrétien et chiite diffusée par Al-Manar. |
He is also a deeply spiritual man, a committed Christian. | Robert est un homme profondément spirituel, chrétien confirmé. |
The main problem of the Christian civilizational project consists in the very Creation. | Le principal problème du projet civilisationnel chrétien consiste en Création même. |
The sovereign government of Korea at that time was Christian. | Le gouvernement coréen de cette époque était chrétien. |
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