Brutal - Brutal (The 2796th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Brutal in French is Brutal. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2796th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about law. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common French words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
Tell us about the brutal slaughter of the Panthers. | Parlez-nous de l'anéantissement brutal des Panthères. |
An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. | Une majorité écrasante vota pour l'abolition de ce châtiment brutal. |
Survivors like the now deceased Jennifer taught me that brutal bondage does not happen far away. | Les survivantes comme Jennifer, qui est morte depuis lors, m'ont appris que l'esclavage brutal peut exister tout près de chez nous. |
Very brutal cock crushing under plexi glass. | Très brutal bite qui s'écrase sous plexi verre. |
The last budget was brutal in Atlantic Canada. | Le dernier budget a été brutal envers le Canada atlantique. |
His brutal government oppressed the leadership. | Son gouvernement brutal a opprimé les dirigeants du pays. |
That was a brutal industry with terrible weather conditions. | Il s'agissait d'un gagne-pain brutal, aux conditions climatiques abominables, très dangereux. |
I thought you liked my brutal honesty. | Je pensais que tu aimais mon côté honête brutal. |
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Historians view him as a particularly brutal warlord and... | Les historiens le voient en seigneur de guerre particulièrement brutal et... |
Online dating is brutal... but I'm getting the hang of it. | Sur internet, c'est brutal. |
Take it from me, the learning curve is brutal. | Crois-moi, l'apprentissage est brutal. |
Would you rather see me lying there? - You didn't have to be so brutal. | Tu n'avais pas à être si brutal. |
Anxious to see her brutal murderer brought to justice. | Impatient de voir son brutal meurtrier condamné. |
The people of North Korea suffer under a brutal and oppressive regime. | Le peuple nord-coréen souffre sous un régime brutal et oppresseur. |
Coming down would have been brutal if not for the tram. | Descendre aurait été brutal sans le tram. |
This second warning turned out to be even more brutal. | Le deuxième avertissement est plus brutal. |
The conflict was particularly brutal and caused a great number of casualties. | Le conflit a été particulièrement brutal et a fait un grand nombre de victimes. |
The 1209 to 1229 Albigensian Crusade was arguably more brutal in terms of deaths than any of those in the Holy Land. | La croisade des Albigeois de 1209 à 1229 a été sans doute l'exemple le plus brutal. |
The Frankfurter Allgemeine commented on the "brutal cold-bloodedness" of the guards. | Le journal Frankfurter Allgemeine parla aussi du « sang-froid brutal » des gardes-frontières. |
Space is cold, brutal and unforgiving. | L'espace est froid, brutal et ne pardonne pas. |
Critics say it's a formula for a brutal work environment. | Les critiques disent que c'est la formule pour un environnement de travail brutal. |
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