Bird - Oiseau (The 2435th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Bird is Oiseau. This word often comes up when talking about nature & weather. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2435th most common word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
There is a bird here. | Il y a un oiseau ici. |
I would like to fly like a bird. | J'aimerais pouvoir voler comme un oiseau. |
I see a bird on the roof. | Je vois un oiseau sur le toit. |
I saw a bird fly across the sky. | J'ai vu un oiseau voler dans le ciel. |
I saw a white bird on my way home. | En rentrant à la maison, j'ai vu un oiseau blanc. |
It is a bird. | C'est un oiseau. |
I'm not a bird, though I'd like to be one. | Je ne suis pas un oiseau, mais j'aimerais en être un. |
A bird was flying in the sky. | Un oiseau volait dans le ciel. |
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Look at that flying bird. | Regarde cet oiseau qui vole. |
The bird spread its wings. | Cet oiseau déployait ses ailes. |
This bird cannot fly. | Cet oiseau ne peut pas voler. |
A bird has wings. | Un oiseau a des ailes. |
A bird can fly. | Un oiseau peut voler. |
It's a flying bird. | C'est un oiseau volant. |
This bird can fly. | Cet oiseau sait voler. |
Bird is the word. | « Oiseau » est le mot. |
Look at that bird. | Regarde cet oiseau. |
What is your favourite bird | Quel est ton oiseau préféré |
Beautiful bird | Bel oiseau |
This bird has a broken wing. | Cet oiseau a une aile cassée. |
He lost sight of the bird. | Il a perdu cet oiseau de vue. |
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