Beat, defeat, overcome, conquer - Vaincre (The 2919th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Beat, defeat, overcome, conquer in French is Vaincre. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about society. It is the 2919th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to beat him at tennis.
Il m'est difficile, voire presque impossible, de le vaincre au tennis.
Daily exercise is effective in overcoming obesity.
L'exercice journalier est efficace pour vaincre l'obésité.
To conquer without danger is to triumph without glory.
À vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire.
That includes overcoming side effects and resistance to some antiretroviral drugs.
Nous devons notamment traiter les effets secondaires et vaincre la résistance à certains médicaments antirétroviraux.
The human ability to adapt, it's an interesting thing, because people have continually wanted to talk to me about overcoming adversity, and I'm going to make an admission
La capacité humaine à s'adapter, c'est intéressant, parce que les gens ont toujours voulu me parler de vaincre l'adversité, et je vais faire un aveu.
We cannot conquer evil with another evil.
On ne peut vaincre le mal que par un autre mal.
Together we can beat discrimination and overcome the bullies.
Ensemble, nous pouvons mettre fin aux discriminations et vaincre les brutes.
Proper land management and land-related investment can overcome ecological constraints.
Une bonne gestion du sol et un investissement foncier permettent de vaincre les contraintes écologiques.
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Ballistic missiles are still difficult to defeat on the battlefield.
Les missiles balistiques sont encore difficiles à vaincre sur le champ de bataille.
Instruction: Your mission is to defeat wang and his bodyguards without getting shot.
Instruction: Votre mission est de vaincre Wang et ses gardes du corps sans être tué.
Enjoy playing the latest online batman games and try to defeat Mr.
Profitez de jouer les derniers jeux batman en ligne et essayer de vaincre Mr.
To overcome this disease without harming the crop is simply impossible.
Vaincre cette maladie sans nuire à la culture est tout simplement impossible.
The treatment of liposuction to lose weight and overcome obesity.
Le traitement de liposuccion pour perdre du poids et vaincre l'obésité.
Train in a way that allows you to defeat your enemy.
Dispensez un entraînement permettant de vaincre votre ennemi.
The Arab Revolution will now have to defeat the Saudi army.
La Révolution arabe doit désormais vaincre l'armée saoudienne.
Look, you get to conquer your fear of running into Kelly.
Tu dois vaincre ta peur de croiser Kelly.
So it's together that we will be able to overcome extreme poverty.
C'est ensemble que nous pourrons vaincre la misère.
Your goal is to defeat [[Mega Satan]].
L'objectif est de vaincre Mega Satan.
They have to overcome their fears of one another.
Ils doivent vaincre leurs peurs mutuelles.
Ask Him for the strength to overcome the addiction you are experiencing.
Demandez-lui la force de vaincre votre dépendance.
He thinks he can beat this on his own.
Il pense pouvoir vaincre ça lui-même.
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