Appear - Paraître (The 519th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Appear is Paraître. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 519th most commonly used word in French. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, being & changes. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
Tom tried to appear calm.
Tom chercha à paraître calme.
We need to appear united during this investigation.
Nous avons besoin de paraître unis le temps de cette enquête.
Information to appear on STDF website shortly.
Des renseignements doivent paraître prochainement sur le site Web du FANDC.
Cliton is a 16-year-old obsessed with appearing wise.
Cliton est un garçon de seize ans, obsédé de paraître sage.
Well, I do not wish to appear unreasonable.
Je ne veux pas paraître déraisonnable.
The worker accentuates is villainy in order to appear original.
L'ouvrier accentue sa crapulerie pour paraître original.
He just didn't want to appear overly aggressive.
Il ne voulait pas paraître trop entreprenant.
Your Majesty is to appear at 11:00.
Votre Majesté doit paraître au bal.
The newspapers started appearing on the market again.
Le quotidien a recommencé à paraître.
I realize that my appearance might be a bit startling.
Je réalise que mon apparence peut paraître choquante.
A simple change in circumstances would appear to be enough.
Un simple changement de circonstances paraîtrait suffisant.
A second edition of the Newsletter will appear in December 1998.
Un deuxième numéro paraîtra en décembre 1998.
You appear to think of other things.
Apparemment, tu penses à autre chose.
It appears to me that you are right.
Il m'apparaît que tu as raison.
My mother appears young for her age.
Ma mère paraît jeune pour son âge.
It appeared to me that he was very intelligent.
Il m'a semblé être très intelligent.
There appears to have been an accident.
Il paraît qu'il a eu un accident.
The snow has disappeared.
La neige a disparu.
The money disappeared.
L'argent a disparu.
His son disappeared seven years ago.
Son fils a disparu il y a sept ans.
The ship soon disappeared from sight.
Le navire a rapidement disparu de la vue.
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