Answer - Répondre (The 200th Most Common French Word)
The translation for Answer in French is Répondre. It can be used as verb. It is the 200th most commonly used word in French, classified as a A1 word. This word often comes up when talking about media & it, education, communication. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
You must answer these questions. | Tu dois répondre à ces questions. |
I don't know how to answer that question. | Je ne peux pas répondre à cette question. |
I was asked a question I couldn't answer. | On m'a posé une question à laquelle je n'ai pas pu répondre. |
They have to answer the question. | Tu dois répondre à la question. |
Raise your hand before you answer. | Lève la main avant de répondre. |
That's a tough question to answer. | Répondre à cette question est difficile. |
Her question is hard to answer. | Il est difficile de répondre à votre question. |
I don't feel like answering questions. | Je n'ai pas envie de répondre à des questions. |
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I think you should answer the question. | Je pense que tu devrais répondre à la question. |
I've decided to answer all questions publicly. | J'ai décidé de répondre publiquement à toutes les questions. |
Please answer my question. | Merci de répondre à ma question. |
You must answer for your careless conduct. | Tu dois répondre de ta conduite imprudente. |
He hesitated before answering. | Il a hésité avant de répondre. |
I refuse to answer. | Je refuse de répondre. |
Let Tom answer. | Laissez Tom répondre. |
Tom can answer. | Tom peut répondre. |
Think carefully before answering. | Réfléchis bien avant de répondre. |
A bean can answer all the questions. | Bob peut répondre à toutes les questions. |
I refuse to answer that. | Je refuse de répondre à ça. |
I refuse to answer the question. | Je me refuse à répondre à cette question. |
You have to answer the letter straight away. | Vous devez immédiatement répondre à la lettre. |
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