Acquisition, acquire, purchase - Acquisition (The 2690th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Acquisition, acquire, purchase is Acquisition. It can be used as noun. It is the 2690th most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes, education, shops & services. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common French words. Download it now to discover them all.
acquisition, acquire, purchase
I am not interested in acquiring wealth. | The acquisition of wealth does not interest me. |
'stake-building' means an acquisition of securities in a company which does not trigger a legal or regulatory obligation to make an announcement of a takeover bid in relation to that company | «ramassage en bourse»: une acquisition de titres d'une société qui n'entraîne pas d'obligation législative ou réglementaire d'annoncer le lancement d'une offre publique d'achat sur cette société |
Through this acquisition Outokumpu will expand its service centre network. | Grâce à cette acquisition, Outokumpu pourra étendre son réseau de centres de services. |
Acquired Groupe Modulo, publisher of French-language educational materials. | Acquisition du Groupe Modulo, éditeur d'ouvrages et de matériel pédagogique de langue française. |
One advantage is greater numbers of offers, services without quantity limits, quotes online purchases, reported linked in skype and msn. | Un des avantages est un plus grand nombre d'offres, de services sans limite de quantité, acquisition de vos achats en ligne, le tout via Skype et MSN. |
This acquisition was accompanied by the hiring of a qualified turner and totally dedicated to this machine. | Cette acquisition a été accompagnée par l'embauche d'un tourneur qualifié et totalement dédié à cette machine. |
pn code acquisition with adaptive antenna array | acquisition de code pn au moyen d'un réseau d'antennes |
inexpensive adaptive fingerprint image acquisition frame grabber | dispositif d'enregistrement par acquisition d'images d'empreintes digitales adaptatif et peu coûteux |
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We continue, nevertheless, to hope for an elephant-sized acquisition. | Nous continuons néanmoins à espérer une acquisition éléphantesque . |
These studies gave me the possibility to specialise on multilingualism, language acquisition and psycholinguistics. | Ces études m'ont permis de me spécialiser en multilinguisme, acquisition du langage et psycholinguistique. |
Zuffa made several changes to the promotion after the purchase. | Zuffa fait de nombreux changements après son acquisition. |
Formosa and Salta: plans are under way for purchases in 2011. | Formosa et Salta: acquisition prévue en 2011. |
This situation is described as a reverse acquisition. | Cette situation est appelée acquisition inversée. |
My latest acquisition, it's a Zoltan Kemeny. | Ma dernière acquisition est un Zoltan Kemeny. |
We've been exploring the viability of an acquisition with Amazon. | Nous envisageons une acquisition par Amazon. |
They all wanted to get a glimpse of the museum's latest acquisition. | Ils voulaient tous apercevoir la dernière acquisition du musée. |
I anticipate penetration and acquisition at 21:00 tomorrow. | Anticipe pénétration et acquisition à 21h demain. |
I'm coming over with an acquisition offer tomorrow. | Je viens demain avec une offre acquisition. |
That planned for f? ter my acquisition. | Celle prévue pour fêter mon acquisition. |
Before he finalized any acquisition, his legal team would uncover our malfeasance. | Avant de finaliser une acquisition, ses avocats découvriraient notre malversation. |
I was just showing off my new acquisition. | Je lui montrais ma nouvelle acquisition. |
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